Lessons Hard Learned: What scared Ross Fisher?
At the last SMACC outing in Dublin there was a stand-out lecture by Dr Ross Fisher ( @ffolliet ) entitled: Things that Scare Me. Ross is a bit of a presentation guru – and hence he had plenty of pressure on to deliver a great talk…. and he did exactly that. It was a pin-drop-silently, slideless baring of the soul.
Ross’s talk is now available on the SMACC podcast in video form or you can hear the audio here:
I was lucky enough to spend a bit of time chatting with Ross in Dublin and had a chance to hear more of the story that inspired this amazing talk. I really wanted to share this story with the FOAMed community – as I feel there are a lot of tough lessons about how we treat one another, how we present ourselves and how we can sometimes get really lost in the dynamics of work and maybe lose sight of the bigger picture.
I don’t want to give away to much – so I recommend you listen to Ross’s talk from SMACC first and then listen to the backstory here: