SHEDding light on acute, severe headaches in ED
This is a short vodcast breaking down the numbers from the recent SHED trial.
In this video I breakdown the numbers on the bad things that we may find in the workup of acute headaches in the ED, how the CT helps and when and why we might need to perform an LP to identify some subtle pathology.
You can listen to a deep dive on the October Journal club here.
Let me know if you like this format. I will try and do more visual data dives in the future.
PLease pop over to the Youtube channel and subscribe if you like these and check out our US training and other resources that are on the feed .
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About The Author
Casey Parker
I am a GP working in Broome, NW of Western Australia. I work as a hospital DMO (District Med Officer) doing Emergency, Anaesthestics, some Obstetrics and a lot of miscellaneous primary care. Also on the web as @broomedocs | + Casey Parker | Contact