SMACC SYDNEY… the Ultimate SMACC DownUnder
It is one of those happy-sad, bittersweet moments. The last SMACC is being planned for the 25th – 29th March, 2019. The ticket ballot opens...
First10EM Journal Club: June DasSMACC Edition
Welcome back to the roughly monthly Journal Club with Dr Justin Morgenstern of First10EM fame. This month we have a special edition for you –...
On Free Will, Consciousness, Attention & Gestalt
DasSMACC is just a few days away. So to get you thinking I have decided to post this rambling train of thoughts that has been...
First10EM Journal Club: May 2017
We are back with another set of papers to dissect, discuss and digest. Justin and I have been working on a few big projects and...
Time to Pause, Reflect & Pay It Forward
Gday So it has been a month since my last post, which I think is a Broomedocs record! I decided to take a litle time...