Northern Nautical Nasties
This is the vodcast version of a talk I am giving at the Australian College of Dermatology meeting next week. Why am I speaking at...
Stump the Chumps International on IM Reasoning
I am a big fan of the IM Reasoning podcast by Art and Nick from Auckland. So I got in touch with the fellows...
Clinical Case 128: Northern Knee Nasty
OK, team. This is a bit of a teaser for my SMACC Dublin talk “On How I Do Diagnostics”. I won’t be giving too much...
Clinical Case 118: Thinking outside the box
OK team – a Paeds case for you today. It’s one where I am going to give you just a few clues and you have...
Clinical Case 116: FEAST or Flush Fluids
Today’s case is about the Resus of severely dry children – very typical of Broome. But before we get to the case – here is...