Lessons Hard Learned – Episode 6 with Dr Melanie Thompson
Gday, it is still Paeds month – so I have dragged an unsuspecting local Paediatrician up to the mike! This is # 6 in the...
Clinical Case 083: Itchy britches
Hi readers – another case-based quiz for you all. In case you had not noticed – it is Paeds month here at Broome Docs. So,...
Clinical Case 077: Fluid balancing act
This is a tough one – a clinical scenario that is unfortunately a bit too common in my part of the world. I want to...
Clinical Case 073: Sorting out the RIF raff
This post is dedicated to Dr Andre ( @keeweedoc ) who has just divorced his appendix with the aid of a laparoscope. [why do surgeons...
Clinical Case 047: Not so sweet feet
This week a classic Australian remote area case. There is so much to discuss on this case! But I have isolated a few key points...