Clinical Case 086: from Hell’s heart I stab at thee
Today’s case is a tough one. This is not a happy story, but can you make it end well? So lets lay it out and...
Lessons Hard Learned 3: 7 lessons from a Paeds ED
This is episode #3 of “Lessons Hard Learned”. It is Paeds month at Broome Docs – so this is a Paeds case that demonstrates at...
Lessons Hard Learned: Dr Tor Ercleve
G’day readers and listeners, This is a new concept for the Broome Docs blog. I am really interested in the psychology of Us – how...
Clinical Case 079: Is it Pyloric stenosis?
Picking the baby with pyloric stenosis from all the refluxing, positing and normal kids can be tricky. In GP land this is a really common...
Cross-pollination: Paeds procedural sedation
One of the benefits of being a generalist, a doc who tries to do a bit of everything is that from time to time I...