Lessons Hard Learned episode 9: Drug errors with Dr Tim
Ok, I need a break from all the Women’s Health. More still to come on Women’s Health this month. But I recently recorded another episode...
Lessons Hard Learned – Episode 8 with Dr Rob Orman
This is episode #8 of the Lessons Hard Learned Series. I am once again joined by Dr Rob Orman – the “one and only” guy...
Lessons Hard Learned – Episode 6 with Dr Melanie Thompson
Gday, it is still Paeds month – so I have dragged an unsuspecting local Paediatrician up to the mike! This is # 6 in the...
Lessons Hard Learned 3: 7 lessons from a Paeds ED
This is episode #3 of “Lessons Hard Learned”. It is Paeds month at Broome Docs – so this is a Paeds case that demonstrates at...
Broome Docs Vodcast 009: Airway 101 with Drs Tim Leeuwenberg and Jamie Doube
I recently caught up with my S.A. mate Dr Tim Leeuwenberg (KI-Docs.com) who is the Prof. of all things airway in the GP realm. Tim...