Clinical Case 064: Um-bil-obstruction
Another ripper ultrasound case this week! I was doing a Sunday – my favourite day! No lab, no Xray department, no Admin folk doing QI stuff etc….. Just straight clinical work. Of course it is tourist season – so the average age of Broome goes up about 30 years!
Elderly chap presented with 24 hours of vomiting. He had had a bit of diarrhea the week prior, but then went on a rough boat ride and developed a tender lump over his umbilicus. Being a stoic fellow he didn’t present until the vomiting was bilious and he was all out of buckets!
On exam he looked pretty crook with a distended belly and a firm, red, warm lump ~ 5 cm above his umbi.
Medical school diagnosis really – SBO secondary to incarcerated umbi hernia. But, here is the trick. This chap had a list of comorbidities a page long, was on another page of meds and was not the sort of person I would usually opt to anaesthetise. Having said that – not a good candidate for a 12 hour plane ride either!
So what to do?
A quick call to the surgeon – he wants to have a look. There are 2 operations we could do here:
(1) A small hernia repair – if the gut is viable and no bowel resection is required.
(2) Laparotomy with small bowel resection of dead gut, possible ileostomy etc – this is major stuff for Broome, especially with a man with this many chronic problems.
So how do we decide what to do? Traditionally I think we would have gone in and hoped for the best, with a plan to evacuate ASAP if it turns out to be a major resection.
BUT bring back the US machine with the surgeon at the bedside…
So – off to theatre and a modest incision, nice healthy bowel returned to the peritoneal cavity and a mesh in. Of course we used the US to do a few TAP blocks at the end of the case – no opiates if we can get away with it.
Over all – a very satisfying case, a happy patient and a lot less stress for all concerned.
WHat do you think – how would you play this one?