First10EM Journal Club: June 2020
Welcome to another episode of the journal jam with Justin. This month we cover a range of topics and jeopardise our “kid friendly” iTunes rating....
Possible Pyloric Stenosis
If you work in a kids ED then you probably see babies who are tagged as “possible PS” when they present with large volume vomiting. ...
First10EM Journal Club: November 2019
We are back! Another journal club with Dr Justin Morgenstern. This month we have a really diverse bunch of papers that looks at CRASH-3, distraction...
January 2017 First10EM Journal Club
Greetings fellow EBM nerds of a feather! Its the the end of the month already which means that it’s time to review all the interesting...
TOP 10 Tips for Learning Bedside Ultrasound
I do quite a bit of teaching on the basics of ultrasound and try to coach our trainees through the their first experiences with bedside...