Paracetamol: mostly harmless?
This post was inspired by Colin Parker (the original C. Parker) and the team at who did a discussion on the recent paper released by the ISAAC group (International Study of Asthma and Allergy in Childhood). This collaborative of researchers (based in NZ, but internationally reaching – kinda like Dr C. Nickson) has been looking into the epidemiology of atopic disease and environmental influences for over 20 years.
The EMPEM podcast looked at the latest dataset out of ISAAC it is titled ISAAC blows wheezy whistle on APAP. This is going to be a serious debate over the coming years – does paracetamol have a causative association with asthma and other atopic disease? Causality is nigh on impossible to prove, but this massive multinational data-set has established a statistical association that we cannot really ignore. Unfortunately it raises a lot more questions than it answers!
So here is my summary of the papers and how I think I will integrate this stuff into my practice.
Beasley et al published this paper in the Lancet,2008. This is analysis of the 3rd phase of the ISAAC cohort, more than 200,000 kids.
- Paracetamol use in the 1st year of life was associated with increase rate of asthma at 6-7 years age. The odds ratio was about 1.5 (with a narrow CI)
- Current use of paracetamol had a dose-related association with current symptoms of asthma
- There was also an association with other atopic conditions- rhino-conjunctivitis, eczema..
Eyers and the above-mentioned Beasley published this in Clinical & Experimental Allergy 2011
- Antenatal exposure to paracetamol also had an association with childhood asthma (OR 1.21 – just significant)
- So, now do we keep saying paracetamol is safe to expecting mums???
What about using ibuprofen in asthmatics with acute febrile illness? The teaching has always been that Ibuprofen was bad – it might trigger asthma – but is this true?
- Lesko et al, in Pediatrics 2002 did this neat study of nearly 2000 kids and largely debunked this theory.
- The paracetamol group did worse – more asthma symptoms than the ibuprofen group.
- Unfortunately no control / placebo group to get a feel for the true effect – was paracetamol harmful or ibuprofen protecting the kids?
Peirce & Voss (Annals of Pharmacotherapy 2010) did a meta-analysis comparing paracetamol to ibuprofen in terms of safety and efficacy – fever and pain reduction. For me this is the clincher:
- Ibuprofen was more effective than paracetamol for the symptom control – fever and pain
- There was almost no adverse events, they were equally very safe in the immediate sense.
- So ibuprofen looks like a winner here.
So how does this all fit together and what does it mean for the patient you are about to see in your practice?
- Paracetamol might be a bit less safe than we have all been thinking – I think the data is not yet there to show a causative effect – but Vioxx was blacklisted for less heinous crimes!
- The medical dogma that ibuprofen is bad for asthmatics and paracetamol is safe has pretty much been reversed. I am definitely giving ibuprofen as first-line to the next atopic kid I see with an indication for it!
- Not sure what to tell the pregnant mums: take nothing? might be the only truly “safe” option
- Ibuprofen does look better for fever and analgesia for kids. It might have a protective role in atopic disease. So I think it should be 1st line.
- On the whole, the data is still inconclusive, therefore hard to apply to the individual. However, I think as an institution / hospital we need to look at our policy / practice – is giving every snotty, febrile kid Panadol at triage a wise move? I think we need to step back and be more selective with our use of these medicaines – after all they don’t really stop anything truly bad (seizures, brain-injury etc) from happening – so the risk must justify the benefits?
Ok, this I expect to cause a few ripples through the waters of common practice. Please let me know – how will you change if at all?
thanks Casey. Interesting practice point you raise. retrospective analysis from a large database with an attempt at meta analysis. I agree the data is inconclusive at this point. the methodology with a self filled questionnaire by parents is practical but not so robust if you want to infer causal effects. I agree there is an association, just like parental smoking, the weather, pollen count,
At th end of the day, you have to be practical and a large part of delivering good medical care is relief of pain and suffering. Kids or pregnant women with fever and pain , in my view, deserve relief. No drug is totally safe. You can die if you have too much water. So you make a clinical decision on the balance of the risk vs benefit. its good to always review the safety of any drug, but paracetamol has a long history in many patients and overall a good safety record.
I’m thoroughly unconvinced that paracetamol is the bad boy here. The “indication” confounder – the sicker kids got the paracetamol – is the key thing for me. I don’t know how you adjust for that but I don’t buy it.
fair enough points (in the podcast) that we shouldn’t be using it as some kind of pacifier.
if paracetmaol gets “black boxed” for this we’ll just see people substitute ibuprofen and when it’s being used on the same scale (ie when johnny sniffles at all he gets a does) as paracetamol then we just might start seeing some problems there too.
and surely vioxx was a different (and much more convincing and nefarious) story than this
Ok, maybe my post was a bit on the melodramatic side!
I think the points that are clear from the studies I discussed are:
– there is a statistical association between paracetamol and subsequent asthma / atopy
– c/w ibuprofen, in acute sense paracetamol showed a higher incidence of ashma sxs – this is in direct contradiction to the popular belief about these agents
-they are both safe drugs, very few serious side effects and work well for patients with reasonable indications
Andy – you are a tough guy to sway. Can we agree that the common conception of paracetamol as a “wholly benign drug” may need to be rethunk?
A quick survey of the RNs in my ED showed that they all believed it has no side-effects what so ever, and that ibuprofen was evil for asthmatics. I think this meme needs to be adjusted…
agree that there’s no such thing as a totally benign drug. If you listen to the therapeutics collaboration podcast then they have a lovely phrase that says “a drug without side effect is a drug without effect”
If you are considering widespread use of Ibuprofen in children, you also need to consider the gastrointestinal side effects in sick kids who aren’t eating well.
I think you need to treat pain, but fever without pain is a different story.
It feels “odd” to send patients away empty handed, especially when they pay to see you and have expectations that drugs will be prescribed..
Way back in 1927 Julius Wagner-Jauregg won a nobel prize in medicine for showing the beneficial effects of fever in certain infectious diseases.
He delibrately infected his tertiary syphillis (general paresis of the insane) patients with malaria and they partially improved.
He then treated the malaria with quinine.
These days we treat all fevers with ceftriaxone.
No jokes about my medicine being out of date please.
Um, isn’t it true that we should treat the child…not the fever?
Random aliquots of paracetamol because little Heskith ‘feels hot’ are to be discouraged. By all means treat pain…but fever is probably there for a good evolutionary reason.
Whilst we’re on grandmother-based medicine (or ‘crone-therapy’) what’s the evidence base for chicken soup?