SPIRIT 1 (&2)… Relugolix endometriosis therapy
Endometriosis is a common disease that effects 10 % of women of reproductive age leading to chronic pelvic pain, infertility and significant loss of function....
Lessons Hard Learned: Dr Penny Wilson
Over the last year or so I have received quite a bit of mail / feedback asking about the “Lessons Hard Learned” series that I...
PODCAST: The Guru vs. the Gump [Contraception]
Yes – after a number of months away from the Broome Docs podcast we are back. The podcast has been on the back burner whilst...
UKCTOCS: Ovaries, P-values & Questions
Ovarian cancer is a horrible disease. It is often asymptomatic until late in its course and then causes a lot of suffering. This is a...
Dr Penny: Podcast on Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
The nomadic GP – Dr Penny Wilson – has just finished up a stint in our cozy little hospital here in Broome. So amid the...