Clinical Case 055: Tolchock to the gulliver… part 2 – the evidence
OK on with the case – our man has been intubated and is stable enough for a venture to radiology…. He passes through CT unharmed...
Clinical Case 045: Syncopal Salesman
37 yo man who works as a travelling sales rep. He has a hectic lifestyle and is overweight. Flies around the country a lot visiting...
C-spine Trauma: in a town with no CT
I worked for 4 years in a town with no CT (but plenty of beer) – and it is fair to say that the protocols...
RSI: made stupidly simple
The Rapid Sequence Intubation is one of those “gotta have” skills for clinicians who work in frontline medicine. Fair to say there are a lot...
SUSS IT: Secondary UltraSonographic Survey In Trauma
Definition – To suss: to look into something deeper, and acquire more information; or to solve a problem or puzzle using ingenuity. This is a...