Rural Anaesthesia Newsletter 2018.1
Over the last few months I have been working with a great group of Aussie GP Anaesthetic docs to develop a national GP-Anaesthetic group to allow us to share ideas, educational content and advocate for our small but crucial community of clinicians.
GP Anaesthetic doctors provide the vast majority of the elective and emergency anaesthesia services to rural and remote Australia. We support the critical care of ED patients and allow things like rural surgery and Obstetric services to persist. We are, however, a rag tag mob from a range of backgrounds. We are currently represented by a patchwork of bodies and colleges.
At the end of 2017 a few of us out our heads together over a few ales ( in true FOAMED fashion) and decided to create a forum, an online community where we could cut through all the traditional boundaries and increase our knowledge, support and influence over what we care about: delivering great care, out here. Out here our skills are the cornerstone of care, they are vital for planning the future of rural health delivery.
So without further ado, please sign up to the group if you are a rural GP/ Anaesthetic doc.
If you are already in the group and work with others who have yet to enter the online community- please give them a nudge. It is free, no obligations and allows us to help improve the lot of our patients and the way we do our work.
our group has just released its first newsletter- have a read.
Check out the links and join the conversation. Big thanks to Tim Leeuweborscht for putting the “paper” together