Audit of the Killer Stethoscopes

This presentation was the result of an audit completed by our Broome ED JMOs.

Drs Laura Smith, James Wright and Peter Richardson decided to place our stethoscopes under the microscope – quite literally.

We all know about the importance of hand-washing and other infection control measures, but rarely do we consider the ubiquitous ‘tubes’ as potential vectors for hospital acquired infections.

So – be honest…. take this poll before you watch the presentation.  The audit might surprise your – or just confirm your suspicions!

EDITOR: The poll is now closed.  But in summary – the doctors suspected that their stethoscopes were dirty.  They didn’t wash them much and had a relatively poor knowledge of the best cleaning techniques for the trusty stethoscope

;  Here is the presentation – BROOME STETHOSCOPE AUDIT…. it is a Power Point – so download it somewhere where data usage doesn’t matter too much!

Stethoscope Audit – Broome 2013 latest draft-1

Big thanks to Laura, James and Pete – great job.  Thanks for bringing this to light and making us all feel a little bit grubby!


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