Paediatric Constipation: with Dr Mel and Liz
OK, not the sexiest topic in the history of Broome Docs – but Paediatric constipation is common. Maybe you’ve seen the kid with the fresh PR blood – same kid most likely.
This is a nice chat on the history, exam and initial management of children with trouble in the toilet – constipation, straining, diet and psychology all covered in this podcast.
Thanks to Dr Mel Thompson ( @dr_mel_t ) and LIz Bannister for their time and super-keen poo insights.
And I did ask Liz after the show – do you ever use PR suppositories for kids with constiaption?
Answer: NO, not unless it is crowning the perineum. This can be unpleasant and really painful for kids and make the whole situation even worse.
So if in doubt – never put anything PR in kids!
Enjoy the podcast. DIRECT DOWNLOAD
Here is a copy of the Bristol Stool Chart for descriptive assistance