Clinical Case 022: Feeling faint and fatigued
August 15, 2011
This case is a spot diagnosis. 50 yo woman presents to the GP complaining of feeling chronically tired, and recently “faint” – pre-syncopal on standing.
Check out the 2 pictures below and let me know the diagnosis in the comments section below. The prize for the best answer = the love and respect of your peers!
I will post the answer and a review next week.
subacute infective endocarditis?
rendu-weber-osler disease
HI Casey
I will have a go.
It looks like Osler Weber Rendu syndrome or hereditary telangiectasiae
Initially I thought of sub acute endocarditis given the palmar lesions but the lip lesions are diagnostic of my final answer of HHT ( hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasiae)
she is tired due to chronic anaemia due to chronic GIT bleeding from the lesions in her bowels.
Symptomatic anemia secondary to osler weber rendu syndrome to rule out bgit
Hand foot and mouth?
Looks like Janeway’s lesions to me – infective endocarditis.
Looks like telengiectasia to me; presume iron deficient from GI bleeding and hence chronically tired.
I think it’s called Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome (hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia)