First10EM Journal Club: August 2019
Hello! We are back. After nearly 2 months of hiking, cruising, paddling and driving all over North America I have just returned to sunny Broome...
Sadly, the final SMACC conference danced its last moves on Friday. It was an amazing week with lots of learning, inspiration and camaraderie. After the...
First10EM Journal Club: October 2018
Welcome back. It has been a long time between drinks as I have been away on long-service leave and enjoying life outside of Medicine. If...
The Best Central Line Ever… Tribute
The best central line ever….. tribute Placing a central line is one of those procedures that can be done in many ways. The last 10...
Rural Anaesthesia Journal Club: with Alex and Mel
This is the second installment of the Rural Anaesthesia Down Under (RADU) Journal Club. In this episode, I am joined by Drs Alex Harris and...