Massive Transfusion Protocol
Hi – Apologies for recent sluggish activity- I have been a busy Doc lately and working on what I hope are some good posts /...
Shock: Back to basics, beyond the BP
Apologies to the smart ones reading this – but I have been trying to explain this concept to my students for a while – so...
Managing Traumatic bleeding: how can we apply the evidence in smaller hospitals?
OK after Clinical Case 031 I was inspired to go out and slog through the literature and try to discover what is “best practice” for traumatic...
Clinical Case 031: Big transfusion, Little Hospital = big trouble
I have been working on a post dealing with massive transfusion – Broome style – for a while now. So last week we landed in...
Clinical Case 020: the ABC of APO
53 yo man with a history of hypertensive cardiomyopathy presents to ED at midnight with severe dyspnoea. No chest pain, no oedema, no fever, cough...