BUCKLE trial: on the SGEM (episode 415)
This month I am back on the SGEM podcast – this time on the all new Paeds section with Dr Dennis Ren. In this episode...
How Good is Gestalt?
If you are a listener to the Journal Club podcast with Justin, then you will know that we talk a lot about decision-rules and diagnostic...
First10EM Journal Club: April 2023
Free journal club for learning emergency clinicians...
First10EM Journal Club: January 2023
We are back with another episode of the BroomeDocs and First10EM podcast. In this episode we try to answer some of the big questions in...
Intussusception: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Here is the case: A healthy, 6 year old boy, Joey, presents to the ED for the second time in a week with abdominal pain....