Ultrasound for Epidurals… I ask an expert: Dr Mitch
I have had a few readers ask questions about the use of ultrasound for the difficult epidural – usually in the labour ward context, but...
Clinical Case 048: We Ask an Epidural Expert
This case is an opportunity for us to learn from an expert. Epidural analgesia in labour can be rewarding and infuriating. So I have enlisted...
Paracetamol: mostly harmless?
This post was inspired by Colin Parker (the original C. Parker) and the team at EMPEM.org who did a discussion on the recent paper released...
Irukandji syndrome – the swarm hits Broome
We had our first ‘swarm’ of Irukandji syndrome victims for the season last week – with associated media frenzy! For those of you who are...
Clinical Case 010: Heartattack and Vine
Thanks to Susanna, Med. Student, for this case and clinical question. “57 year old male presents, cold and sweaty, with central crushing chest pain radiating...