Promo: Ultrasound Village Course
If you are interested in learning how to use US in your clinical practice then I recommend the US Village course. They are running a...
Roc vs Sux showdown
I have never used Roc for a RSI, but I think that needs to change. For me this is a “practice changing” stuff – check...
Acid-Base – the answer is 42! Now what was the question???
If you are, like me, 10+ years out of Med School – your eyes probably glaze over when you go to a lecture on the...
PROPOFOL – 1st line in Psychosis?
OK, now that I have got your attention with a controversial headline lets discuss the real topic – safe sedation and management of acutely unwell...
Clinical Case 007: DKA update
This 35 yo man had a 20 year history of well controlled type 1 DM, on tds Novorapid + nocte Lantus. Never had an episode...