GET FOAMed: Generalist Emergency Training, free meducation

Today I “attended” the first Google Hangout session of the GET FOAMed Rural masterclass.

This is a new collaboration between Drs Minh & Shelly le Cong, Tim Leeuwenberg, Michelle Johnson and myself.  We are all doctors with a passion for improving the standard or rural health, with a focus on the acute care.  The catch phrase:  “best care, out there, anywhere.”

We hope to bring you a monthly podcast / live Google hangout looking at current topics and the controversies in acute care medicine and how these effect its delivery in remote and rural locations.  You have done the EMST, APLS, REST, ALSO and are well drilled in the ABCs – but we hope to take you that little bit further, explore the current best practices and evidence for what it is we do!  There is a heap of evidence, mythology and clinical gold out there – we want to bring it to you in an easily accessible format that you can listen to anywhere you like.

The podcasts will be available online as podcasts – so get an app or reader (I use Instacast, there are heaps) to download and follow us.

Now – we want this to be interactive.  We will talk about anything you want to hear about – so please drop us a line, email or twitter:


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