Clinical Cases 122: Feast, Fast or Flood Fluid Freesome
This is a “what would Weingart do?” trio of cases. If you haven’t been keeping up with ‘the Man’s podcast then you would have missed...
Paediatric pneumonia? Lung Ultrasound.
If you are a regular reader then you will know that I have been spruiking lung ultrasound for a few years now. In fact I...
PODCAST: Pushing Pressors in the Periphery
The mantra of the Broome Docs site is “bringing great care, out there.” And today’s topic goes right to the heart of that theme. It...
Clinical Case 110: Sepsis, Scans and Surgeons
Here is a case that may keep you guessing. One for the US nerds. Here we go: 25 year old tourist – visiting the town,...
Processing ProCESS: what does it mean for the small ED?
Gday. Welcome back. It has been a slow month on the blog as I recover from the wonderful exertions of the SMACC GOLD conference. After...