First10EM Journal Club: October 2018
Welcome back. It has been a long time between drinks as I have been away on long-service leave and enjoying life outside of Medicine. If...
ConSEPT Trial: Phenytoin vs. Levetiracetam in Status Epilepsy
Hi All, Just got home from the excellent, engaging and enjoyable experience that was Don’t Forget the Bubbles 2018. It was really a fun event...
Clinical Case 141: Saturnine Palsy
I know – it is supposed to be a Saturday night palsy, but as you know patients rarely bother to read the textbook before injuring...
Clinical Case 134: Frequent Fitter Farmacology
Larry is a 45 year old man who is well known to your ED. He is a frequent flyer [see podcast with Dr Seth Trueger]...
Clinical Case 105: Headache Take 5
Ok Neuro nerds… here’s a quick case to test your diagnostic skills. It is one of those common scenarios we see. 35 year old man...