Difficult intubation deliberation
Last week I posted on a tricky airway requiring AFOI (awake fibre-optic intubation) – see Awake Intubation Procrastination. I got a bit of correspondence from...
NIV: thoughts and tips
Non Invasive Ventilation (NIV) comes in a variety of forms, machines and names. It is something that has really changed the way we manage some...
Spinal injury sequelae
I have seen a run of nasty spinal injuries recently. This has gotten me thinking about the management of the things that go wrong after a...
Clinical Case 059: Tricks from twitter mates
This case is all about the application of tricks and tips I have learned in the last few years from social media, blogs and the...
RSI: made stupidly simple
The Rapid Sequence Intubation is one of those “gotta have” skills for clinicians who work in frontline medicine. Fair to say there are a lot...