Clinical Case 123: How we do SVT Better
This case is inspired by a recent Twitter chat involving Seth Trueger, Chris Hicks, myself and the eternal opposition -Dr le Cong. There were others...
Chest Pain? HEART Score Attack
Gday, Bonjour. I have just returned to Broome after a month or so eating and drinking my way around Europe. Heading back to work this...
On Sick Kids, Sore Throats, Swabs and Such
Dear Fellow Doctors, I would like to take a moment of your time to discuss a point of medical practice which seems to remain controversial despite...
Lessons Hard Learned: Dr Domhnall Brannigan
After a bit of a break – the Lessons Hard Learned series is back. Today I am chatting with Dr Domhnall Brannigan from Tasmania /...
Clinical Case 098: the Falling Soldier
A 26 yo American backpacker presents to the triage of your small hospital ED complaining of palpitations. He is traveling the globe after serving 2...