Obstetric Evidence: What difference does a week make?
What difference does a week make? Those of us who work in rural Obstetric services know the difficulties of planning for timely intervention and delivery...
Case 0003 – Beyond opiates in Chronic pain
63 yo man with advanced oesophageal cancer, diagnosed 18 months ago. Now has extensive liver mets, retroperitoneal tumour and fungating open tumour in lower abdomen....
Case 0002 – Speeding on speed….
30 yo man with a past history of IVDU, infective endocarditis with mitral vegetations / scarring and “adult-onset ADHD”. Several recent admissions for SVT. Presents...
Raised Intracranial pressure – can we pick it with the US?
Working in small hospitals where CT is either not available or hard to get after 16:00 one of the big questions that I find myself...
Special K – ketamine is making a comeback – new, safer and smoother!
Ketamine for ED sedation – seems to be making a big comeback for pretty much anything you want it for. Check out the link below...