Sexual Healing
Each year we take on a small band of Med students who do their whole (penultimate) year in Broome. They get to learn a lot and also contribute to the community.
I was cleaning out the hard drive and came across this old video we made a few years back. Taken out of context it might seem completely weird – but it still makes me giggle – so I though I would share.
The guys and I made this clip for the hospital Xmas party – it is a look back at their “year that was”.
Here in Broome we have astonishingly high rates of STIs – gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis (yes! we see this still). Your chances of catching one of these is about 1000 times higher than it is in the city / rest of Australia. So our students tend to get all the fun of diagnosing, treating and chasing down these patients. Hence the title – Sexual Healing.
WARNING: there are some seriously tasteless and adult themes in this video. You might even see your new resident if you are in WA.
Great video…if that doesn’t sell Broome to future JMOs, then I don’t know what will.
Stay safe….
[This comment comes from the star of the Video, a man with the type of botom that should be shaved or hidden, yet he choses to do neither…rock on Dr Moustache!]
Ahh, memories.
Casey do you think I can still get a job in Broome, now that everywhere else is out of the question?
love the penicillin shot into the bum
its good to see sick medical humour has not been lost out West
I just can’t believe that the rate of STIs are 1000 times higher? Any idea why they’re so high?